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Saturday, April 25, 2015

DNA Day 2015

Happy DNA Day! These days, DNA tests are made available and affordable to our households and common places, let us celebrate God's-own programming language of life by finding the details of who we are on a molecular ground.

DNA testing companies are a little more than happy to include it into the festivities. From this day forward till April 27th, is offering 20% discount on their genealogically-focused DNA test. Not only can you know or get an idea of where your ancestors lived in, but you can actually gain a connection to other unknown relatives of yours that are still alive. After your DNA has been tested and processed, you will be matched against 850,000 members of the program to help find similarity in your ancestors. If you are a person that is interested in finding long lost relative, grab a ticket for the ride.

23andMe’s genetic test isn’t on sale for DNA Day, but if you’re ordering multiple kits, you can save 20% off each additional kit. However, they have put together an awesome infographic detailing the major breakthroughs in genetics over the last six decades. Keep in mind, the FDA halted 23andMe’s health analysis until further research is conducted, but the kit still tests for nearly a million SNPs (single-nucleotide polymorphisms). 

Every day, we get closer to truly finding the facts of what makes us human and what gives us the personality we possess. Nowadays, direct-to-customer tests are readily available that average citizen scientist can make your breakthrough by participating in research initiatives.

Well, to me, this is a major breakthrough in science for everyone.

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